Monday, May 07, 2012

This insomnia is getting bad

I had a breakthrough today. (By today I mean about 1:50am.) I made it through this entire video without crying. It was the second time in a row watching the video, and I bawled through the first go-through, like usual.

I'm not typically a cry-in-a-song-or-movie kind of girl. A lot of songs that are "supposed" to make you cry are really just emotionally manipulative and cliche, and I like to think that my journalism education helps me see through all that.

But this song is real. Real people with real stories of tragic heartbreak. And even though my story nothing like any of theirs, I, too, have a mountain to climb. Sometimes (read: most days) I just plain don't want to. I wonder why I've been dealt this hand. WHY?!?

But I keep climbing.

Also for the first time tonight I began to see how something good might come from my challenges. I can't make the past go away. Truth is, I will never again be the same person I was four years ago, or even four months ago.

And maybe that's okay.

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