I'm very excited. It's been a long time coming.
I might also be a little scared.
Three years, three months, and 28ish days ago my parents welcomed a very pregnant me into their home. I didn't know how long I'd be staying--if it would be just a few weeks for help with the baby. Or longer. (Obviously, it turned out to be much, much longer.) It was an adjustment; I'd lived by myself for the past six months, and with roommates for several years before that.
I decided to stay. I gave up a perfectly good job in exchange for family who could help me raise my sweet little boy. (I miss the job sometimes but I've never once missed an eastern Idaho winter.)
Being a parent to my child and child to my parents at the same time is, well, exhausting. And it doesn't seem to get better in time. But I'm incredibly grateful for my parents' generosity.
There were pluses, too--for about six months in R's toddlerhood I worked a late schedule. Grandma and Grandpa put him to bed, and we got to spend lazy mornings together, do fun programs at the local library, and sit around in our pajamas until noon if we felt like it. I love being home for bedtime now, but I miss those days sometimes.

Ready or not, here we go! (We're so ready.)
I'm so excited for you two. It really will be such a grand adventure. I'm starting the exact opposite it seems. Minus little dude. Next week I move back in with my parents after living with nothing but roommates for the last 8 years. What an interesting ride it is.