Monday, November 21, 2011

The last time

I used to write really emo poetry. Sometimes I still do. This particular piece was written almost five years ago. I stumbled upon it tonight, and most of the poem really resonated with me. I want to make it clear that the last two lines are not currently relevant to my life. And since those two lines are kinda the point of the poem, it's ironic that it speaks to me tonight. But it does. So I'm posting it.


the corner of blue, green, and tan

i am a hypocrite
and i, too, have caused pain
i have lied with my lips and my eyes
and with my tongue
i have asked for things i didn't really want
simply because i knew they would come
and they did
i have been overgenerous with affection
but given sparingly of emotion
i have been rude
i have been disgraceful
i have calculated
and certainly i have been unkind
deception has been my forte, my natural course
i have walked away without caring nearly as much
as i should have
and despite all my flaws, my guilt
my understanding of this fault
you have done all of this to me
and that is why i hurt


  1. Oh girl, I used to write poetry so much like this. You have a way, this is really good.
