Wednesday, November 02, 2011

An announcement and a goal

For the last couple of years I have tried to maintain 4 blogs. This blog, mostly filled with random thoughts; a private journal blog; a single parenting blog; and a family blog. Now I'm cutting it down to just this one and the private journal blog (that nobody but me gets to see). I'm not going to shut down the other two, but the topics that I would have posted there I'm just going to post here. This has always been the blog I've been more attached to, and chances are with the other two gone, this one is going to get a little more personal. And I mean that in a good way, as in the things I write might be interesting to read. Not in a mushy, crappily written novel sort of way.

The goal half of this post is that between now and the end of 2011 I am going to post in this blog at least 2 times a week. I'm a sporadic blogger. Sometimes I go a long time without thinking of a topic. Sometimes I half compose a blog in my head but lack the motivation and/or guts to post it. But I'm going to really try between now and the end of the year and we'll see how things go from there.

And, no, this doesn't count as one of my posts for this week. Too bad, too, since it's already Wednesday.

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