Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mess in a dress can’t show up on time even if it would save my life

Help. I do not have a punctual bone in my body. I was the little girl who was late to kindergarten. (Literally – the bus never showed up in our neighborhood that day.) My friends in high school were never alarmed if I showed up 15, 20, or 45 minutes late; they were shocked if I showed up on time. Or at least I suppose they probably would have been had that actually ever happened.

It’s not that I mean to be late. I know it’s considered rude. I know it’s inconveniencing other people. I assure you that I am filled with self-loathing every. single. time I show up late anywhere – even if it’s to something so big that no one else notices.

But I don’t know what to do. I set the alarm on my phone to go off 20 minutes before I have to leave for work, and every 5 minutes after that. I used to set all of my clocks ahead, but then I just didn’t know what time it WAS, so I stopped doing that. I just do not understand how other people do it. And apparently they do, since punctuality is assumed to be the standard thing to do. Some people even show up early to places. That baffles me. (One time – and one time only – in high school I came really early – read 5 or 10 minutes before the bell rang — and I was surprised to find all of my friends already there. Mind. Blown.)

I expect that in the event that this blog is actually read, that some of you will be tempted to give me advice on how to cure this ailment of mine. Go ahead. I’ve probably heard it all before. It probably won’t make any difference. But you can try if you want. I’ve been told that to be on time I “just have to do it.”


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