Thursday, May 26, 2011

I wish dating was simpler

I do. I wish that instead of all this wondering and hoopla, I could go up to a guy and say "Hi. I like you. Do you like me? No? Okay, I'll move on, then." or "Yes? Great. This is the part where you take me out on a date. You don't have to spend a lot of money on me. The point is to spend time together. I'm free this Saturday. Sound good?"

1 comment:

  1. I think I may have spotted a solution: I just need to find someone who is as deliriously desperate as I am. It's the perfect recipe for a lifetime of miserable codependency, or happily ever after.

    It's funny, really, my constant desire to have a relationship. I'm perfectly content being antisocial...but not single? Weird. This is the character trait (flaw?) that prompts me to often rush into and hold onto crappy relationships. Brilliant.

    I know I'm better than that. Stronger than that. Et cetera. (Hmm. Apparently et cetera is two words, not one. Thanks Wikipedia.)

    Anyway, I feel so done with emotional roller coasters. I don't even like real roller coasters. About a month ago I was counting late, late at night how many times I've been dumped or experienced serious emotional rejection in my life. I don't remember the exact number because it was, in fact, insanely late (rather like right now), but I think the number was well over 30.
